Sunday, July 29, 2012

Mother by day. Tattooer by night.

Mommy's Little Monsters

So for those of you who don't know. I recently had my second daughter about 2 months ago. That being said I have been tattooing a lot less than usual. I take care of two little girls full time and tattoo during the few spare hours I can squeeze by. My children do not attend any sort of day care, I am a tattooer not a doctor I can't afford that shit, haha. So for those of you whole are loyal clients or new ones waiting for their turn, THANK YOU! It means a lot, and once my youngest gets a bit older I should be able to get back to a regular schedule. Also if you're from Arizona, always keep a look out for my posts on here or facebook reguarding guest spots and trips home. Especially if you have any unfinished pieces. Please lets get those finished before we start a million new ones. 

On that note,
I spent my day with my husband and my girls. I got the girls all dolled up for their first sister photos. Well nice ones, haha.
Here's how they came out!

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