Monday, August 13, 2012

Unfinished Business

A little behind with my blog, sorry.
The trip to Arizona went great. Got to do some fun tattoos, spend personal time with my family, see old friends, and ordered myself a new lens, and the hubby a bishop rotary. I'm very anxious to get my camera up and running and start messing around with it, as well as be able to take much nicer photos of my tattoos. I also got the chance to try out a rotary yesterday and I must say I did love it, the color just went in so smoothly, it's gentle on the skin, and boy was the thing damn near silent! Anyways here's a few pictures of the piece I used the rotary on. It is half healed/half fresh. I was very excited to finish this piece I started on my husband almost a year ago, so here it is!

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