Tuesday, August 28, 2012

A new adventure

Starting a new journey!

Alright so I recently got a new camera (Canon EOS 40D)! I got the camera mainly to shoot photos of my daughters and tattoos that my husband and myself do! This is my first Digital SLR, so I've been reading up on tips and tricks, bought a basic lens that I can already tell I will grow out of quickly but as with anything else I did not want to jump in head first into something I do not know, I'd rather learn the proper way. I LOVE the camera and am very excited to get started with my photography adventures. As I get better and obtain more knowledge I plan to eventually pursue shooting weddings and children. I absolutely love the two subjects for photography. Especially being that I make things for weddings and for children as well. So that being said here are a few photos I went out and took today. 

And an update on the daily DIY craft!

My niece turned 3 this week and she has just about every toy known already so I wanted to do something different. I decided to make her a hair accessory holder/ hair accessories. This DIY project was extremely inexpensive and simple to make.
Materials used:
  1. Oatmeal Can- I used a basic Acrylic paint and painted the outside, I did about 3 coats to make sure all logos were no longer visible.
  2. Candlestick Holder- I found a clear candlestick holder at the Dollar Tree
  3. Glue- I went with Epoxy because I wanted to make sure it was sturdy.
  4. Paint/Brush- Acrylic Paint and an old brush
  5. Elastic- Two Elastic Strips ran down the sides, used to clip all the hair clips on to.
  6. Hair Accessories- You can choose to make them or buy them.
Here's the final Product, and I chose to make my hair accessories.
I used my girls as models for some of the accessories.

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